I use to think about this all the time back when I was working 2 jobs. I was barely making ends meet with that as well. All the time only one thought would come in to my mind. How can I be more productive? I barely had time for myself, I was gaining weight, I was getting stressed out and depressed and I became this robot on autopilot mode. Just get up go to work, Eat and sleep. And the time I did had free was all spent watching shows or movies. But deep down I was miserable with the life I had. One day I decided enough was enough. And I started gathering information from various self help books and online coaching. Here I’ll discuss some tips which got me started on being productive. These tips are proven to make you more productive and agile


Make a list of the things you do in your day. And evaluate how much time you give to each task. After this start eliminating stuff which are serving you no productivity. Instead of watching a movie when you get back from work. Watch a creative document. Search for skills that you can learn. Read a book or maybe get up and clean your closet which has been a wreck for months. Start small but at least start.


Focus on the task at hand. Give your undivided attention and concentration at whatever you do. Don’t get distracted by this tiny demon- your cell phone. Keep your notifications silent on all of your social media accounts. I know it is tempted to check your social media every 10 minutes. But be mindful that you are losing precious time, Not only this you might also perform a mediocre job because you were distracted


Get up early in the morning. It is scientifically proven people who wake up early make the most out of their day then those who don’t. start by going on a walk. Make yourself a healthy breakfast. Get fully prepared for work or school. This might also save you from the panic you suffer when you are getting late for work because you wanted that extra 15 minutes of sleep. Get up early and focus that time on yourself. 


Start making hobbies that help you to grow. Participate in hobbies that help you to learn new things. Learn how to paint-it is a great stress reliever , Learn how to write, Start doing yoga, Learn a new language. Start making DIY projects and sell them online. Start making healthy meals and stop with the junk food madness your hectic routine forces you to eat. There are countless things that you can do. Not only these productive hobbies will boost your brain activity, these will also make you more relaxed and happy.


On the weekends, instead of going out with friends or binge watching your favorite shows. Give time to yourself for once in a while. Ask yourself, what am I good at? And how can I use that to make some profit. Start by doing research online and find ways how you can generate income from your hobbies and passion. 


  1. Some great tips here, starting the day earlier is the one I'm really struggling with at the moment. I desperately need to get a proper sleeping pattern established again so that it's easier to drag myself out of bed on a morning. I used to use the morning to fit in a quick workout. I've found that workout (despite only being a five minute one) is what really helped to give me a boost in motivation and productivity.



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