Why you keep living life as if you will get another? Why settle for anything less then our potential? We humans tend to live life in autopilot mode. The same boring routine everyday. Eat-work-sleep. Maybe waste some time in front of television. Or play video games. We never really give ourselves time to think. We never really test our limits. Do you know? the odds of you being born, exactly as you are right now are about 1 in 400 Trillion. Yup you read that correct. Its mind boggling isn't it? So do you really think that you have no purpose in life? You really believe that universe has nothing planned out for you?
You were meant to be this amazing human being, but instead of this you are doing the total opposite. Less then half of the population is doing what they love, rest of us are just going with the flow. Never really putting any effort and thought in to things.

Now is the time to wake up. Now is the time to start living up to your full potential. Because you my friend where meant to be Phenomenal.

Here I'll discuss some key points which can help you to become the warrior you were meant to be.


The first action you can take, to get a step away from mediocrity, is to know your worth. Know that you are worthy despite the many obstacles in your life. Know that you can do anything which you set you mind to. Even if you think you have hit rock bottom, just know that you can still  rise above the ashes. You can fight your demons. YOU my friend are a warrior, and warriors don't give up this easy.


What is your passion?. writing, singing, social work, painting, beauty?. What is it? What lights up a spark in you?. Find what you love and get to work. Like Writing? Start writing a book. Start by writing a story, heck start a beauty blog. But do something. As the saying goes “Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life”. You were meant be amazing. Don't waste it all away.


Its plain and simple, cut out all the negativity around you. Stop hanging out with negative people. Stop wasting your time doing things that stop you from becoming the best. Think positive, hang out with people who push you to be awesome, build a strong support system around you. Take inspiration from people who are already doing what you are trying to accomplish. Never settle for anything but greatness.


Never stop learning. No matter what your age or situation might be. Knowledge is the only treasure that cannot be stolen. Read books, Watch educational videos, Learn new skills. But never think that you are too old or too young to learn anything new. And don't confuse knowledge with a degree. I have seen many people who say they have a degree but they are still ignorant to all that this world have to offer. Learning is a life long process. And knowledge is the only tool which can guarantee you success in life.


Stop making excuses to your self. That you will start a business next year. That you will start writing next Monday. Or you will get in to college next fall. Do it
now!! Don't wait for the perfect time to come. There is no perfect timing except for now. Start by getting up early in the morning. Do research about what you want to do and get to work. No matter how many times the voice inside your head tells you to stop. You don't stop when you're tired, you stop when you are done. Even if things don't work out exactly as you planned. You don't give up. Because all great things in life take time.
