Procrastination is one hell of a drug, yes you heard me right its a drug. Once you develop a habit of putting things off, its an endless downward spiral. I like to call it the Doom Loop.
And once you get into this loop, Every time a task or a project comes your urge to put it off to another day or time will always overlap your productivity. Because we humans, don't like to do stuff out of our comfort zones.
“While others were dreaming about it - I was getting it done.” ― Nathan W. Morris

Procrastination is not only a very bad habit, it also effects your day to day life. And hinders your ability to live your life to its fullest. Here I'll discuss 4 ways you can beat procrastination. But know that this not some magic spell. You have to get things done. Its not a one time thing you have to do this everyday and every time you feel like procrastination is trying to take over you. You have to make your self mentally strong by adapting to these tips. That being said, Lets dive in.



First and foremost , establish the sense of importance for that specific task. Question yourself, Why is it important in the first place? Contemplate what you will be risking if you don't put in the work. What could be the consequences? Let me ask you a question, If I ask you to meet me at some random location at 3 AM in the morning. And I'll give you a Million Dollars.What would you do? I am absolutely certain you wont be able to sleep at night. You'll reach at 2 AM to get that Million Dollars. So ask yourself, Why is it important to get that particular task done? Because what I think is . If something is important to you. You will get it done. If not you'll keep putting it off.


No I'm not asking you to bust a move to some Hip-Hop. Though that would be pretty cool. But that's besides the point. What I'm asking you here is that you should always break whatever your doing in to manageable pieces.
Have an essay due in a week? Start working on it now. Need to finish a presentation for work? Start working on it now. Don't leave stuff for later. Why? Because you are more likely to make mistakes when you try to complete a task in the last minute. You getting what I'm saying?
Because let me make it clear. No Leisure activity is important enough, which causes you to perform mediocre in life. I mean lets be honest, Wouldn't it be fantastic if you get an A+ on your essay? Instead of watching meaningless cat videos on YouTube, Don't get me wrong cats are freaking adorable!! I am thinking about adopting one myself 😄. But, wouldn't it be better if you Used that time to plan your Essay?. Do unlimited research. Write the most amazing Essay you possibly can. Wouldn't you be happy if you get appreciation from your Boss, because of that banging presentation you gave in the meeting?
All this can only be possible, if and only if you start working now. Because remember, All good things take time.


It is scientifically proven that when you get a reward your brain secretes happy chemicals. Just finished writing you paper? Reward yourself with a chocolate or Ice cream or literally anything that makes you happy. You've been hammering on that calculus project for hours and you finally completed it? Watch an episode of your favorite show. Working hard doesn't mean you should not enjoy the things you love. in fact you would love the things you enjoy even more when they come to you as a reward .


If there's anything you should ever think of doing later. Are the things that serve you no productive outcome. There is no point in scrolling through social media for countless hours for no apparent reason.
Stop giving in to the immediate gratification that's whispering in your year, shut that voice down. Get up and get to action. And when you do actually start,shut down anything and everything that could possibly distract you from achieving your goal.

In the end all I wanna say is procrastination is a habit. And developed habit are sometimes hard to modify. You should keep trying each and every day to become a better version of yourself . Don't be hard on yourself if you don't succeed in the first try. And always remember this, No one is perfect, We all, are a work in progress.

